Hulda and Hinrik both travel quite a lot to give clinics all over Europe. We will soon start planning 2014 but in the fall of 2013 there are also some in plan. We will keep it updated where we will be teaching on the site so if we are near you, you might even participate.
September 2013
Hulda at Gestuet Vatlaboe, 27333 Buecken, Germany, 14-15. September. Hinrik and Hulda at Islandpferdehof Piet Hoyos in 8102 Semriach, Austria, 7-14th of Oktober. In Oktober or November there might still be space for a clinic or two.
In the picture here, Hulda is in Switzerland helping Caroline Wyser with her Kjuði frá Kirkjuferjuhjáleigu, Huldas former competition horse, which she rode in Austria 2011.